привет всем! вот на такое мое письмо они стали писать более развернуто, но все равно нужно приложить усилия! скопируйте и отправьте на их адрес поддержки support@onlyfans.com мое письмо, и чем больше авторов отправят, тем быстрее они раздуплятся. гугл переводчик вам в помощь! также можно скинуть на адреса всех англоязычных сми, жалуйтесь им, я уже начала. не бойтесь, ничего плохого с аккаунтом не сделают и это не открытые комментарии в инстаграме, если скрываетесь. а если не скрываетесь, то скидывайте текст в сторис и отмечайте их, отправляйте в директ. главное всем нам отправлять! можете изменить текст, или укоротить.
у кого есть аккаунты в других вебкам форумах тоже распространяйте и быстрее!!!!!!!!!! давайте дожмем их вместе! у нас получится!🙏🏼
hello! my account is inactive. you are conducting a monstrous russophobic sexist policy and do not give any comments!
you could give ukrainian viewers free access to russian accounts, you could remove all commissions for ukrainian authors, but you chose to humiliate russian women!!! you do not respect the work of women, almost all authors are women! you have made women extreme, but there are men in governments and they decide the course of the war, not women!
have you stopped consuming russian gas or oil? you know perfectly well that this money is used to kill civilians in ukraine! have you stopped consuming russian energy carriers? not!!! you have decided to humiliate, offend and discriminate against ordinary russian women who are not to blame for anything! but you decided to make ordinary women guilty!
if you have been pressured by shareholders, investors or other companies, then you must say their names! i am 100% sure that there are all men and only men!!!!!!!!!!! i will try to draw the attention of the world media to your russophobic sexist politics. you make money on women and then leave them without a livelihood.
you know perfectly well that onlyfans is an international global community and no one here supports putin's illegal regime and his military aggression! his government has blocked access to instagram, so you're lucky that not all russian women can leave comments. stop being sexist russophobes! stop blocking russian women!
it's not your problem how we will withdraw money. now everyone opens accounts in kazakh, turkish and other banks.
i am forced to spread your discrimination to all the world's famous newspapers and financial companies, to send letters to the websites of payment systems that you are depriving russian women of their wages and the opportunity to earn money. women who do not have government powers. are the russian oligarchs your authors? most likely not, they just sell you gas and oil, while they live in america and europe! do you understand what an idiotic situation you committed?
you had big problems with financial companies last fall, didn't you? and you will have the same problems because of your russophobic sexist politics!
let the media start looking for information about your management, shareholders and investors, who are all men. let them check their external connections and their citizenship and which country they were born in! can you remove shareholders from russia????? let the media find out who makes these decisions and because of whom your reputation will suffer!
i will send our correspondence to everyone. you scribble standard messages and lie about an individual approach to each letter!
and remove the request to confirm and provide evidence that i am not a resident of russia in one well-known place. first, prove that you are not sexist russophobes!
we will fight to the end and unite our efforts!
stop being sexist russophobes! stop blocking russian women!
we are waiting for the official comment!